Sunday, May 18, 2008


On Earth Day we released our very own Green Bean Collection to an overwhelming response from the public! We chose Earth Day because all the bags in this collection are 'earth friendly'. We use mainly recycled and refreshed fabrics in the making of our "green beans". So we are happy to say we are employing the practice of reusing, reducing, and recycling in our little company... instead of creating more need for new products and/or adding to the growing pile of throw-aways world-wide.
Anyway, the reason I got on the subject of Earth Day was to relay a few amusing facts about our release date. The basis for most or all of these being that diengie the word... means "two" in an indo-pacific language. And diengie ... the company...stands for 'designing second uses for discovered treasures'. Anyone seeing a 'two' theme here? On with the facts-

1. our release date was Earth Day 2008
April... the 4th month... 2x2...two 2's
22nd.... two 2's...
2008.... two, 2 zeros, then 8-the # of new beginnings!...and four 2's

2.It was on a TUESDAY ...2's day!!!!!!

This may all seem insignificant to you reading it, but to us these facts and numbers were an eye-opening reminder that God is leading us and guiding us in this business adventure! How else could we have come up with that perfect date, one that is so significant to the meaning of our company? We couldn't! And we believe that God led us to this point and wanted us to realize it in a very tangible...albeit humorous way! Realizing these amusing and amazing "2" facts gave us a huge push to move ahead, knowing that God is going before us and we are smack-dab in the middle of His perfect timing!

Other interesting and fun facts are sure to unfold, so stay tuned to find out what happens next in this amazing journey... the shaping of a company named DIENGIE !

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