Monday, May 5, 2008

Green-tings friends! (from Earth Day)

Green-tings friends!

Earth Day will soon be here. I'm sure you have heard of many companies and organizations making extra efforts this Earth Day to get people to 'go green'. There are so many ways--simple ways--we can make changes in our daily lives to become more eco-friendly. (Check out our R3 page at for ideas.) At Diengie we are doing our part by releasing our brand new line of bags. We have named this line our 'Green Bean Collection". The term 'green' is quickly becoming a household word for one who is 'concerned with or supporting environmentalism'. We can call our bags 'green' because they are made entirely of refreshed and recycled fabrics, burlap is biodegradable, and we strive to use every bit of those goods to avoid excess waste. Also, the burlap used in our bags has been transformed from sacks which were once filled with 'green' coffee beans. A 'green' coffee bean is one that "has made it to all levels of processing except the actual roasting. Green [coffee] beans will store well for years without loss in quality." We feel the same way about our Green Beans. While we don't want you to store your "Green Bean" for years, we do stand behind our product and are confident it will last for years. Our top-quality, handcrafted bags will stand the test of time.

Visit our website, starting this Tuesday, April 22, when we will release our two newest bags. We will feature our Doppio Grande and Doppio Petite. For those of you familiar with coffee terms, these names will make sense. For the rest of us, I will offer an explanation. Doppio is the Italian word for 'double'. Grande, of course, means large, and petite, means small. We used the word doppio for two reasons (are you seeing a theme?). Our bags are fully reversible. Thus, double--two bags in one. Burlap on the outside and unexpected linings on the inside, or visa-versa, depending on your mood. Also, our name, diengie, means two. We love designing second uses for discovered treasures.

Our main purpose in creating these bags was to encourage more people to stop using plastic bags. If we all stopped using plastic bags we would make great strides in protecting our Earth. Yet, these bags are not only suitable for use as a market bag, but as an everyday carry-all. The possibilities are endless.

*******Be one of the first 20 to "go green in style" and get a free Green Bean key chain with the purchase of a Doppio Grande or Doppio Petite bag!

Please visit or to view and purchase your very own Green Bean bag this Tuesday! Pass along this email to your friends. Go green, in style!

heiDI, karEN, anGIE

P.S. We will soon be releasing our littlest Green Bean pouch, the Peaberry (also a coffee plant term!). Check back often to see our newest additions.

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